Leadership Library

The Wexner Foundation offers an abundance of resources to our Alumni, Fellows and Members, as well as to individuals in search of Jewish leadership tools. Over the years, The Foundation has collected our video lessons, years of blog posts and many more Jewish leadership resources.

We’re thrilled to be able to share a continually updated list of all known published works by those in our network as well. Please update with your work following the format provided.

Please explore our site and utilize any resources relevant for your needs. Please credit The Wexner Foundation and the creator of the content. If you have any additional questions or would like to add your published piece to our list, please email info@wexner.net

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  • Activism
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  • Wexner Heritage Program Seminars
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship
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  • Abrahamson, Rabbi Elka
  • Abramowitz, Yosef I.
  • Adiri (WIF Class 24), Udi
  • Afek (WSL 2016), Professor Arnon
  • Amanda Pogany
  • Amit David WIF 22 and Alit Wiel Shafran WIF 29
  • Arnoff, Dr. Stephen Hazan
  • Avi Bitron (WIF 15) and Shay Jean (WSL 2016)
  • Ayalon, Ami
  • Bartos (WHP Philadelphia 16), Jeff
  • Beeri (WIF Class 20), Dr. Maurit
  • Belasco (WGF/DS Class 29), Jessica
  • Berkowitz (WGF/DS Class 6), Rabbi Matt
  • Berlin, Kara Logan
  • Bernstein, Maya
  • Bitton (WGF/DS Class 24), Dr. Mijal
  • Born, Amy
  • Bowles, Professor Hannah Riley Bowles
  • Braham (WHP San Francisco 18), Dr. Sabrina
  • Bronznick, Shifra
  • Brous, Rabbi Sharon
  • Brown, Dr. Erica
  • Bryfman (WGF/DS 17), David
  • Buchdahl (WGF/DS Class 8), Rabbi Angela
  • Butler, Professor Anthea
  • Calderon, Dr. Ruth
  • Carmel Satinger WSL 16 &amp, Keren Morag WIF 13
  • Carmel Satinger WSL 16 and Keren Morag WIF 13
  • Case, Tonda
  • Chasen (WGF/DS Class 6), Rabbi Ken
  • Clay, Andria D
  • Cohn (WHP Atlanta 18), Dr. Amanda
  • Cooks, Gali
  • Cowan z"l, Rabbi Rachel
  • Cytryn (WGF/DS 20), Jacob
  • Dagan (WIF Class 24), Yotam
  • Daniel Held (WGF/DS Class 22)
  • David Strulowitz
  • Dorfman (WGF/DS Class 14), Rabbi Aaron
  • Dr. Tamar Elram WIF 22 and Dr. Shmulik Hirschmann WSL 16
  • Eger, Dr. Edith Eva
  • Eisen, Lisa
  • Epstein (WFF Class 1), Rabbi Shira Koch
  • Exler (WGF/DS 17), Rabbi Steven
  • Feinstein, Rabbi Ed
  • Finestone, Barry
  • Fisher, Professor Arna Poupko
  • Friedman, Matti
  • Frishman, Rabbi Elyse
  • Gelfand (WGF/DS Class 1), Rabbi Shoshana
  • Gergen, David
  • Glikin (WGF/DS Class 20), Cantor Vicky
  • Golan (WIF Class 14), Major General Yair
  • Goodman (WHP Philadelphia 16), Shira
  • Green, Ginna
  • Green, Rabbi Art
  • Greenblatt, Jonathan
  • Harlev (WIF Class 18), Dr. Efrat
  • Harry Wexner
  • Heifetz, Professor Ron
  • Held (WGF/DS Class 7), Rabbi Shai
  • Henne (WGF/DS Class 28), Aaron
  • Herman, Felicia
  • Hoffman, Rabbi Larry
  • Horvilleur, Rabbi Delphine
  • Horwitz (WGF/DS 23), Rabbi Sarit
  • Hurwitz (WFF Class 1), Rabba Sara
  • Ingber, Rabbi David
  • Jacobs, Rabbi Rick
  • Kagedan (WGF/DS Class 25), Rebecca Stone
  • Kamenir-Reznik, Janice
  • Katz, Rabbi Ysoscher
  • Kaufman, Ilana
  • Kaunfer (WGF/DS Class 15), Rabbi Elie
  • Kay (WGF/DS Class 16), Dr. Michael
  • Kellerman, Barbara
  • Kennebrae (WGF/DS Class 26), Rabbi Georgette
  • Keshet Starr
  • Koenig-Yair (WIF Class 24), Adv. Tziona
  • Kushner, Rabbi Noa
  • Laguatan, Joan
  • Lappe, Rabbi Benay
  • Larry Moses
  • Levine (WGF/DS Class 14), Rabbi Yosie
  • Linsky, Marty
  • Lipstadt, Professor Deborah
  • Makovsky, David
  • Mandel (WHP New York 16), Andrew
  • Mars (WGF/DS Class 6), Or
  • McKibben, Bill
  • Melchior, Rabbi Jair
  • Melmed (WHP Denver 10), Jacki Cooper
  • Messinger (WHP Palo Alto 00), Daryl
  • Michal Shalem
  • Monroe, Rachel Garbow
  • Moses (WGF/DS Class5), Rabbi Jay Henry
  • Moshe Keinan (WIF 8) and Orli Garti-Seroussi (WIF 8)
  • Nadav Tamir
  • Namdar, Ruby
  • Nussbaum (WGF/DS Class 11), Rabbi Rachel
  • Ophir-Flint (WIF Class 24), Netaly
  • Paley, Rabbi Michael
  • Panitz (WGF/DS Class 27), Rabbi Morris
  • Panken z"l (WGF/DS Class 8), Rabbi Aaron
  • Peres z"l, Shimon
  • Pesner, Rabbi Jonah Dov
  • Peterson, Curtis
  • Poupko (WGF/DS Class 19), Hindy
  • Rabbi David Ingber
  • Rabbi Elie Kaunfer (WGF/DS Class 15)
  • Rabbi Shira Stutman
  • Robichaud, Professor Chris
  • Rosen (WHP San Francisco 08), Jeff
  • Rosen, Ayelet
  • Rosenn (WGF/DS Class 4), Rabbi Jennie
  • Rosenn (WGF/DS Class 5), Rabbi David
  • Roth, Rabbi Dr. Daniel
  • Rothman, Jay
  • Rothstein, Rabbi Isaiah
  • Rubinstein, Rabbi Peter
  • Ruttenberg (WFF Class 2), Rabbi Danya
  • Sacks z"l, Rabbi Lord Jonathan
  • Samuels (WGF/DS Class 10), Rabbi Joanna
  • Savage, Nigel
  • Schacter, Rabbi JJ
  • Schwartz, Dr. Rivka Press
  • Schwarz, Roger
  • Shapira, Allison
  • Sherman, Ambassador Wendy
  • Shulkind (Pilot WFF and WGF/DS 28), Sarah
  • Sisenwine (WGF/DS 3), Rabbi Joel
  • Sivan Lehavi WSL 23 and  Havatzelet Yahel WIF 18
  • Sivanie Shiran
  • Slonim, Rivkah
  • Solomon (WHP Philadelphia 16), Laura
  • Sosland, Rabbi Abby
  • Spira-Savett (WGF/DS Class 3), Rabbi Jon
  • Spitalnick, Amy
  • Steinharter (WFF Class 2), Josh
  • Stutman (WGF/DS Class 14), Rabbi Shira
  • Tal, Alon
  • Tankel (WFF 1), Stephanie
  • Taub, Daniel
  • Tucker (WGF/DS Class 11), Rabbi Ethan
  • Uhrbach (WGF/DS Class 10), Rabbi Jan
  • Weinstein (WSL 2019), Dr. Orly
  • Wexner, Abigail
  • Wexner, Les
  • Wolpe, Rabbi David
  • Woocher, Dr. Meredith
  • Yanklowitz (WGF/DS Class 19), Dr. Rabbi Shmuly
  • Yotam Dagan
  • Zelkind, Stefanie
Increase the Light: Wexner Community Chanukah Candle Lighting
Nadav Tamir
Activism, Education, Israel
December 14, 2023
Thinking About Year-End Giving: A Jewish Approach
Rabbi Elie Kaunfer (WGF/DS Class 15)
Activism, Education, Wexner Heritage Program Seminars
December 12, 2023
Rays of Light: Session 6, Embracing the Land and the People
Avi Bitron (WIF 15) and Shay Jean (WSL 2016)
Activism, Education, Israel
December 7, 2023
Rays of Light: Session 5, Focus on Learning and Social Needs of Children at Risk
Moshe Keinan (WIF 8) and Orli Garti-Seroussi (WIF 8)
Activism, Education, Israel
December 5, 2023
Rays of Light: Session 4, Supporting Evacuated Communities
Amit David WIF 22 and Alit Wiel Shafran WIF 29
Activism, Education, Israel
November 16, 2023
Rays of Light: Session 3, Supporting Hospitals
Dr. Tamar Elram WIF 22 and Dr. Shmulik Hirschmann WSL 16
Activism, Education, Israel
November 14, 2023

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