Sharon Afek, WSLP Member (Class 1), on his promotion to Brigadier General and Advocate General of the IDF.

Anat Barber, WGF Alum (Class 18), on becoming an inaugural fellow of the Ruskay Institute for Jewish Professional Leadership. 

Adina Danzig Epelman, WGF Alum (Class 11), on her appointment as VP of Talent Growth of Hillel International.

Gail Katz, WHP Alum (Los Angeles 09), on being honored by the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA) at their 18th Anniversary Gala Tribute.

Dan Lange, WGF Alum (Class 24), on becoming an inaugural fellow of the Ruskay Institute for Jewish Professional Leadership. 

Rae Ringel, WGF Alum (Class 9), on her appointment as Director of the Certificate in Facilitation at the Georgetown University Institute for Transformational Leadership.

Marina Rustow, WGF Alum (Class 7), on receiving a 2015 MacArthur Foundation “Genius Grant.”

Foundation Partners Marc B. Terrill, Executive Director of The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore, and Dr. Charles “Chip” Edelsberg, President of The Jim Joseph Foundation, on receiving the 2015 JPRO Ben Mandelkorn Distinguished Service Award. 

Amnon Vidan, WIF Alum (Class 20), on his appointment as the new Director of Finance, Human Resources and Operations at the Davidson Institute for Science Education at Weizmann Institute of Science.

Mordy Walfish, WGF Alum (Class 22), on receiving a 2015 JPRO Young Professional Award.


Ra’anan Avital, Director General – Israel, and his wife Sara on the marriage of their son, Daniel, to Talya.

Yael Bendat-Appell, WGF Alum (Class 15), and her husband Jordan on the birth of their son, Shaiya Gil.

Jacob Cytryn, WGF Alum (Class 20), and his wife Tamar Bednarsh Cytryn on the birth of their son, Hillel Chanan.  

Alona Eshed Zilerdik, WIF Alum (Class 25), and her husband Ori Zilberdik on the birth of their daughter, Ella.

Jeni Friedman, WGF Alum (Class 23), and her husband Noah Brosowsky on the birth of their son, Morris (Moe) Isaac.

Maital Friedman, WGF Alum (Class 23), and her husband Adam Baldachin on the birth of their son, Lior Adir.

Jesse Gabriel, WHP Member (Los Angeles 15), and his wife Rachel Rosner on the birth of their son, Ethan Jacob.

Shai Held, WGF Alum (Class 7), and his wife Rachel Forster Held on the birth of their son, Jacob “Coby” Charles.

Dina Gerber Huebner, WGF Alum (Class 10), and Marshall Huebner, WHP Alum (New York 1), on the bat mitzvah of their daughter, Shira.

Sarit Horwitz, WGF Alum (Class 23), on her marriage to Abe Schacter-Gampel.

Lisa Kudish Rosenburg, WHP Alum (Miami 11), and her husband Michael on the birth of their daughter, Adley Brooke.

Craig Levine, WHP Member (Greater MetroWest 15), on being honored by Bnai Keshet in Montclair, NJ.

Arielle Levites, WGF Alum (Class 21), and her husband Craig Cohen on the birth of their daughter, Emanuela.

Scott Newman, WHP Alum (MetroWest, NJ 08), and his wife Wendy on the marriage of their daughter, Rachel, to Corey Minerva.

Gil Pereg, WIF Alum (Class 15), and his wife Dafna on the birth of their son, Nadav.

Jonathan Rudnick, WGF Alum (Class 4), and his wife Marcelle on the bat mitzvah of their daughter, Shir-el.

Yona Shem-Tov, WGF Alum (Class 17), and her husband Ami Abramson, WGF Alum (Class 14), on the birth of their son, Yishai.


Bill Lipsey, WHP Alum (MetroWest), on the death of his father, Jack Lipsey z”l.

Jon Reider, WHP Alum (Montreal), on the death of his mother, Joan Reider z”l.