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Wexner Heritage Program

“23/7? I really have to lay face down on a massage table 55 minutes out of every hour, all day and night?” These are the questions I was asking my surgeon the day before he performed emergency surgery on my right eye.

I am a certified divorce coach, something I never announce without also adding in the same breath and almost as if one word, “- which-does-not-mean-I-promote-divorce.”

Throughout this period, I have been asking myself ,“Are we okay right now?” I ask this question in the context of my home life, and I ask it as leader in the Jewish community.

But the Jewish version of “synergy” is much older, literally dating back to Genesis. Why was “That it was good” not said on the second day of creation?

2020 was, undoubtedly, a very negative year. 2021 will be, we pray and predict, a much more positive year. Here’s the rationale:

What’s love got to do with it? When it comes to power – whether it’s held by a person, a group, or a country – the answer is: a lot. In fact, the secret to influence may come down to the power of love.

Exploring the concept of ‘separate but equal’ put me in wonder of whether true gender equality could even exist. If men and women identify, are by nature or are commanded differently than one another – in aspirations, in household roles, in behaviors, in characteristics, in job selections, in interests, in required religious and ritual observance – can and do we truly attribute to each the same value? I determined that theoretically we could, but in  how things played out in reality - not even close.