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Jul 2009
Doron Avni is a Wexner Israel alumnus (Class XVII) from Petah-Tiqwa, Israel. He was a participant in the Wexner journey to Eastern Europe in the spring of 2008. He is the legal counsel of the Second Authority for Television and Radio, and he can be reached at avni.doron@gmail.com. We marched together on the path to Auschwitz-Birkenau, a group of Wexnerians, Americans and Israelis, shoulder to shoulder. The shadows of Jews
Jun 2009
Havatselt Yael is an alumna of the Wexner Israel Fellowship Program. She is the Head of the Lands Department of the Negev in the District Attorney’s Office at the Israeli Ministry of Justice. She can be reached at Havatzelety@Justice.gov.il A few weeks ago, the Forum for Society and Law in the Northern Negev held an event that focused on the Bedouin sector. The event included a brief survey, a tour
Jun 2009
Allison Shapira is coordinator of the Wexner Israel Fellowship Program based at the Harvard Kennedy School in Cambridge, MA. She can be reached at: ashapira@wexner.net It is 5 minutes before 8 AM on a dark morning in Rehovot, Israel. As if on cue, 5 silver cars pull silently up to the curb outside a small house that is covered in ivy. Like clowns in a circus, people start piling out
Apr 2009
Fay-Ann Brodie is an alumna of the Wexner Heritage Washington DC 03 group. She is the owner of FAB Travel in Potomac, MD. Fay-Ann can be reached at FaBrodie@gmail.com. Two texts: From the Haggadah: “In every generation it is a person’s duty to regard himself as though he personally had come out of Egypt, as it is written : “You shall tell your child on that day: This is on
Jan 2009
Gidi Grinstein, an alumnus of the Wexner Israel Fellowship Program, is Founder and President of the Reut Institute, a Tel-Aviv based policy and strategy group, which has been called one of Israel’s leading think tanks. Between 1999-2001, he served in the Bureau of the Prime Minister as the coordinator of the Israeli delegation for the negotiations with the PLO. He can be reached at gidi@reut-institute.org. The ISRAEL 15 Vision calls
Jan 2009
Evan Muney, a Wexner Heritage alumnus from San Francisco, is a partner in Camp Kimama, an international Jewish camp in Israel. He also volunteers his time with the San Francisco Jewish Community Federation’s “Israel and Jewish Peoplehood Commission,” which works with Israelis on projects that connect the two communities with each other and promote Jewish Identity and Pluralism and help provide equal opportunity for all Israeli citizens. He is planning
Jan 2009
Michael Jordan (Meir Yaacov) Halbert is a leader in Toronto’s Orthodox community and sits on Boards of various Jewish educational institutions, including a counter-missionary organization called Jews for Judaism. He has led successful US public school literacy initiatives and is currently focused on Canadian counter-terror legislation. He can be reached at mjh@timberlineq.com My wife Iris and I recently returned from a trip to Israel with another couple. They’re friends; he
Oct 2008
Louis Berlin is a Wexner Heritage alumnus from Miami Beach who is involved in a variety of Jewish social action causes. He can be reached at louisberlin@comcast.net. This is the season to sit and pray. Then, it is up to us to act, to make the prayers reality. Last year, about 40,000 children in Israel were victims of abuse, generally at the hands of parents or relatives. We can cut
Oct 2008
Shafi Nujidat, an alumnus of the Wexner Israel Fellowship Program, is Head of the Department of Education of the Bu’eina-Nujidat Local Council, a Bedouin town located in the north of Israel. He is happy to host Wexner alumni in his town and can be reached at 4shafi@gmail.com. For many years, I have been Head of the Department of Education and Culture of the Bu’eina- Nujidat Local Council. Bu’eina-Nujidat is a
Don Abramson, a Wexner Heritage alumnus from San Francisco, is a past chair of the American Jewish World Service and a current board member. His support of the Jerusalem AIDS Project is independent of AJWS. If interested in being involved in the Jerusalem AIDS Project’s work, please contact Don at borscht88@aol.com. How do we know how to act properly and effectively in facing one of the biggest moral and medical