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Jonathan Schreiber is an alumnus of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship Program. He can be reached at I must be part zealot and part masochist. A few months ago, I was listening to a phone message telling me our daughter had just been accepted to one of the most difficult magnet schools to gain admittance to in the Los Angeles Unified School District – and we turned it down.. When

Laura Lauder is a Wexner Heritage alumna from San Francisco. She would be delighted to receive comments and questions, and/or to assist any Wexner alumni regarding their personal strategic philanthropy. She can be reached at:  Writer’s Note: The piece below is an excerpt from a 12-page Retrospective with charts and photographs that can be seen in its entirety at:  Realizing the need for a philanthropic self-evaluation Our family created

Pam Medjuck Stein, an alumna of the Wexner Heritage Program from Toronto, is a lawyer by training and artist by habit. She chairs the Lola Stein Institute, edits Leadership in Education, the Lola Stein Journal and serves on the Canadian Jewish News Editorial Advisory Board. She can be reached at Each generation faces a journey to transmit values to its children. Parashat Lech Lecha deals  with journey, guidance and

Louis Berlin is a Wexner Heritage alumnus from Miami Beach who is involved in a variety of Jewish social action causes. He can be reached at This is the season to sit and pray. Then, it is up to us to act, to make the prayers reality. Last year, about 40,000 children in Israel were victims of abuse, generally at the hands of parents or relatives. We can cut

Stefanie Zelkind, an alumna of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship Program, serves as the Director of Youth Philanthropy at the Jewish Funders Network. If you are interested in bringing Jewish youth philanthropy to your community and joining the Jewish TEEN Funders Network, please contact Stefanie at You must not remain indifferent. Deuteronomy 22:3 Brightly colored posters lined the corridor of the high school. Conference registrants wore huge buttons on their

Howard Lichtman is a Virtual Chief Marketing Officer for a number of leading corporations and non- profit organizations. He is an alumnus of the Wexner Heritage Program from Toronto and recently participated in the alumni trip to Poland and Hungary. He can be reached at The expression “speak up” is all about being heard. Many non-profits and Jewish organizations use high- profile speakers as an attraction and as a

David Katznelson, a member of the San Francisco 06 Wexner Heritage group, is also a member of the Reboot program and is the founder of the Birdman Recording Group. He can be reached at I will never forget the breakfast I had seven years ago at Nate ‘n Al’s Deli in Beverly Hills with fellow Wexner Alum Rachel Levin, and not just because Milton Berle was sitting at the

Shifra Bronznick is the founder and president of Advancing Women Professionals and the Jewish Community (, and Didi Goldenhar serves as the senior program director. Marty Linsky, a frequent faculty member for the Wexner Foundation, teaches at Harvard’s Kennedy School and is co-founder and principal of the consultancy, Cambridge Leadership Associates ( They have co-authored the newly-released “Leveling the Playing Field: Advancing Women in Jewish Organizational Life”. To reach them,

Miriam Prum Hess is a Vice President of the Los Angeles Jewish Federation and Director of Day School Operations for its Bureau of Jewish Education. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, Mark, and two children Eliana and Ezra, who both attend day school. She invites you to contact her for more information on starting Concierge programs in your community. She can be reached at or The double