Dispatches from the network and updates from the Foundation.
Apr 2017
We all know Rabbi Elka Abrahamson is an amazing rabbi (recognized by Newsweek as one of 50 Most Influential Rabbis in America in 2011), but did you know she is also a wonderful baker and chef? As Purim approached, The Columbus Dispatch both filmed (click on the video below) and interviewed Rabbi Abrahamson about her scrumptious hamantaschen. They also provided the gift that keeps giving: Rabbi Abrahamson’s Hamantaschen Recipes. Chag sameach!
Our own version of March Madness: one extraordinary opportunity remains to bring new insight into your seders. Please mark your calendars for the following interactive videoconference session, which will begin with 18 minutes of concentrated teaching and then allow for up to 18 minutes of questions and discussion. (Bios at the end). Wednesday, March 25th 7:30 am PST – 10:30 am EST – 16:30 Israel time Rabbi David Ingber “Who
Apr 2017
CONGRATULATIONS TO: David Bryfman, WGFA (Class 17), on the publication of his book Experience and Jewish Education. Julie Finkelstein, WGFA (Class 23), and Director of MIT Hillel, on joining the Foundation for Jewish Camp as Senior Program Manager. Michelle Fisher, WGFA (Class 10), on receiving the Richard Joel Exemplar Award at the Global Hillel Assembly. Stephen Hazan Arnoff, WGFA (Class 13), on being named President and CEO of the Jewish
A good number of our alumni have written in these past few weeks about how challenging it has been to be a responsible and responsive Jewish leader since the “Iran deal” was signed in Vienna. Last week, many of our alumni expressed deeply informed positions, both for and against the deal, and we retweeted their thoughtful articles — from celebration to condemnation — to help our network make the most informed decision
Apr 2017
36 Minutes LIVE: The Elul Series 5775 Our popular online series, “36 Minutes LIVE: Elul”, consisted of five stand-alone videoconferences during the month of Elul 5775 and offered a zesty opportunity for alumni, members and fellows to meet, learn, discuss and prepare for the High Holidays. Select faculty (bios below) lead sessions at various times of day so that our alumni, fellows and members, from Israel to California and beyond, could
We often teach that we look to the past to help guide our future and that with age comes greater wisdom. How can we age wisely in a society that shuns aging? We can all — regardless of our current age or life stage — tap into our lived experiences and extract deep meaning, wisdom and spirit. In this next call, Rabbi Rachel Cowan will speak about her new book,
Apr 2017
CONGRATULATIONS TO: Rachel Ackoff, WGFA (Class 24), on her appointment as Senior National Organizer of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice. Naomi Adland, WGF Fellow (Class 25), on receiving an MA in Hebrew and Judaic Studies from NYU. Seth Anziska, WGFA (Class 21), on receiving a PhD in History from Columbia University. Gil Avriel, WIF Fellow (Class 26), on the publication of the “Terrorism 2.0: The Rise of
Apr 2017
After seeing and celebrating the tremendous excitement generated by having so many of our alumni together in one place for the 30th Anniversary in Columbus, we are making a big push to empower you to keep that magic going. You may have heard President Elka Abrahamson’s one “ask” of you, delivered at our closing session (available on video under our resources section): “If you want to thank us, update your profiles.”
So much of leadership is connected to our ability to understand and articulate the challenges that we are up against. It is often quite difficult to accurately diagnose our problems – especially if they are those sticky problems that seem to never go away. In this session, we will explore a lens that will help us better understand and articulate challenges. This lens, developed by Ron Heifetz and Marty Linsky,
Apr 2017
36 Minutes LIVE: The Passover Series 5776 Our popular online series, “36 Minutes LIVE”, will offer two zesty opportunities for alumni, members and fellows to meet, learn, discuss and prepare for Passover. Rabbi Sharon Brous and Professor Danny Matt (bios below) will lead sessions at various times of day so that our alumni, fellows and members, from Israel to California and beyond, can come together online and learn. The sessions are