Dispatches from the network and updates from the Foundation.
Jul 2009
By Rafi Cashman is a Davidson Scholar beginning a PhD in Education at the University of Toronto in the fall. He can be reached at raficashman@gmail.com. Next to the mass grave of Tikochin in Poland, I told a story to the student-participants of the March of the Living, for whom I was the rabbi, where I tried to inspire them to reflect on the possibilities and opportunities life made available
Alan Solow is Chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and JCC Association of North America. He is also a trustee of UJC, a member of the Executive Committee of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, a member of the Board of Sinai Health Systems and a board member at CLAL. Professionally, he is the Vice Chair of the Restructuring Group at DLA Piper LLP (US),
Jul 2009
Avi Killip is a Wexner Graduate Fellow who has just completed an eighteen-month rabbinic internship at Conservative Synagogue in Atlanta and will begin studying at Hebrew College Rabbinical School in the fall. He can be reached at avikillip@gmail.com. There is a man at synagogue named Hirsch who occasionally, after practicing his layning, will accidentally put the Torah back upside-down. Let me start over. There is a man at synagogue who
Jul 2009
Daniel Perla is a former stock analyst and money manager currently studying in the beit midrash program at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah. He is President of The Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, and he can be reached at danperla@gmail.com In preparation for last week’s fast day in commemoration of Shiva Asar B’Tamuz (the 17th of Tamuz), I re-read the Talmudic story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza (Gittin, Chapter 5). A certain man
Dinah Jacobs is the Academic Director of the Kellogg Management Education for Jewish Leaders (KJL). Formerly the Corporate Director of Customer Affairs at a global financial institution for 17 years, she is a recognized expert in building customer-centered organizations. She and her husband regularly host Shabbat dinners at Kellogg where more than 100 students and faculty celebrate and learn together. She can be reached at dinah-jacobs@kellogg.northwestern.edu Rabbis report they spend
Jul 2009
Wexner Alumni are making their mark on the Jewish world, one issue at a time. Be it in North America or Israel, be social action, education, or advocacy, our constituents apply Jewish passion and knowledge while exercising leadership. In this new segment of our newsletter, we hope to periodically profile alumni of all 3 Wexner initiatives who are blazing new paths in the Jewish world, and in so doing, highlight
Jul 2009
Doron Avni is a Wexner Israel alumnus (Class XVII) from Petah-Tiqwa, Israel. He was a participant in the Wexner journey to Eastern Europe in the spring of 2008. He is the legal counsel of the Second Authority for Television and Radio, and he can be reached at avni.doron@gmail.com. We marched together on the path to Auschwitz-Birkenau, a group of Wexnerians, Americans and Israelis, shoulder to shoulder. The shadows of Jews
Jul 2009
David Strulowitz is a member of the Wexner Heritage Program, Chicago 2006. He is a financial advisor on the North Shore of Chicago and teaches spirituality classes in the Jewish community. He can be reached at dstrulow@pinfs.com. I can’t pinpoint the exact time but around 5 years ago I began a process that can best be described as an awakening. My perspective broadened, adding greater meaning and fulfillment to my
Jun 2009
Havatselt Yael is an alumna of the Wexner Israel Fellowship Program. She is the Head of the Lands Department of the Negev in the District Attorney’s Office at the Israeli Ministry of Justice. She can be reached at Havatzelety@Justice.gov.il A few weeks ago, the Forum for Society and Law in the Northern Negev held an event that focused on the Bedouin sector. The event included a brief survey, a tour
Jun 2009
Rabbi Howard Stecker is a member of Class I of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship program and the senior rabbi at Temple Israel of Great Neck, NY. He can be reached at hastecker@gmail.com. We had an amazing concert planned for Israel’s 60th Anniversary. Three outstanding performers, local politicians and complimentary falafel balls were in the offing. For a variety of reasons, I thought it would be a great idea to hold