Ten years ago, not even college admissions officers knew the term “gap year”. Now, everyone’s doing it, especially Jews. And there is a gap, a real lack, of substantive, authentic, well organized, and safe Jewish programming for these teens, so many go off and do service programs or other gap year programs in a non-Jewish context. Now they don’t have to.
Do you know (or know people who know…) high school seniors or recent graduates who would be excited to build affordable, sustainable homes, and engage with Judaism as they confront today’s pressing social justice issues, and learn community organizing skills, all while creating community together in Portland, Oregon? If so, have them check out the Tivnu: Building Justice Gap Year, or contact me at steve@tivnu.org. Only 20 slots for this pioneering cohort! Financial aid available, Jan. 15th early-bird deadline.
Steve Eisenbach-Budner founded Tivnu: Building Justice to enable Jews from across the communal spectrum to integrate their Jewish identities with their commitments to creating communities in which the basic needs of all people are met. Having been raised in an affordable housing complex in New York City, he knows firsthand the centrality of housing to family and community stability and cohesion. In 2012, Steve was awarded a Joshua Venture Group Fellowship, enabling him to fully focus on Tivnu. Steve, his life partner Deborah Eisenbach-Budner (WGFA, Class 4) and their three children, Tamir, Lev and RozaBess, make their home in Portland, Oregon. Steve can be reached at steve@tivnu.org.